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  • 资源简介:coloso由白组创作的有吸引力的半现实角色和过场动画
  • 详细描述


    01. Introduction.mp4
    01. Introduction.srt
    02. Goal-Setting And Element Breakdown.mp4
    02. Goal-Setting And Element Breakdown.srt
    03-1. Volume Modeling ①.mp4
    03-1. Volume Modeling ①.srt
    03-2. Volume Modeling ①.mp4
    03-2. Volume Modeling ①.srt
    04-1. Volume Modeling ②.mp4
    04-1. Volume Modeling ②.srt
    04-2. Volume Modeling ②.mp4
    04-2. Volume Modeling ②.srt
    05-1. Base Creation And Facial Detail Modeling.mp4
    05-1. Base Creation And Facial Detail Modeling.srt
    05-2. Base Creation And Facial Detail Modeling.mp4
    05-2. Base Creation And Facial Detail Modeling.srt
    06. Detail Modeling The Body.mp4
    06. Detail Modeling The Body.srt
    07. Creating The Volume Model For The Clothing.mp4
    07. Creating The Volume Model For The Clothing.srt
    08-1. Retopology Work In Blender .mp4
    08-1. Retopology Work In Blender .srt
    08-2. Retopology Work In Blender .mp4
    08-2. Retopology Work In Blender .srt
    08-3. Retopology Work In Blender .mp4
    08-3. Retopology Work In Blender .srt
    08-4. Retopology Work In Blender .mp4
    08-4. Retopology Work In Blender .srt
    09-1. Retopology Work In Blender @.mp4
    09-1. Retopology Work In Blender @.srt
    09-2. Retopology Work In Blender @.mp4
    09-2. Retopology Work In Blender @.srt
    09-3. Retopology Work In Blender ②.mp4
    09-3. Retopology Work In Blender ②.srt
    10-1. Modeling Work In Blender ①.mp4
    10-1. Modeling Work In Blender ①.srt
    10-2. Modeling Work In Blender ①.mp4
    10-2. Modeling Work In Blender ①.srt
    10-3. Modeling Work In Blender ①.mp4
    10-3. Modeling Work In Blender ①.srt
    10-4. Modeling Work In Blender ①.mp4
    10-4. Modeling Work In Blender ①.srt
    10-5. Modeling Work In Blender ①.mp4
    10-5. Modeling Work In Blender ①.srt
    11-1. Modeling Work In Blender ②.mp4
    11-1. Modeling Work In Blender ②.srt
    11-2. Modeling Work In Blender ②.mp4
    11-2. Modeling Work In Blender ②.srt
    11-3. Modeling Work In Blender ②.mp4
    11-3. Modeling Work In Blender ②.srt
    11-4. Modeling Work In Blender ②.mp4
    11-4. Modeling Work In Blender ②.srt
    11-5. Modeling Work In Blender ②.mp4
    11-5. Modeling Work In Blender ②.srt
    12-1. Modeling Work For Clothing And Accessories.mp4
    12-1. Modeling Work For Clothing And Accessories.srt
    12-2. Modeling Work For Clothing And Accessories.mp4
    12-2. Modeling Work For Clothing And Accessories.srt
    13-1. Hair Modeling ①.mp4
    13-1. Hair Modeling @.srt
    13-2. Hair Modeling ①.mp4
    13-2. Hair Modeling ①.srt
    14-1. Hair Modeling ②.mp4
    14-1. Hair Modeling ②.srt
    14-2. Hair Modeling ②.mp4
    14-2. Hair Modeling ②.srt
    14-3. Hair Modeling @.mp4
    14-3. Hair Modeling @.srt
    14-4. Hair Modeling 2.mp4
    14-4. Hair Modeling @.srt
    14-5. Hair Modeling ②.mp4
    14-5. Hair Modeling ②.srt
    15-1. Uv Unwrapping In Blender.mp4
    15-1. Uv Unwrapping In Blender.srt
    15-2. Uv Unwrapping In Blender.mp4
    15-2. Uv Unwrapping In Blender.srt
    16-1. Painting Work In Substance Painter 1.mp4
    16-1. Painting Work In Substance Painter .srt
    16-2. Painting Work In Substance Painter .mp4
    27-2. Simulation.srt
    27-3. Simulation.mp4
    27-3. Simulation.srt
    27-4. Simulation.mp4
    27-4. Simulation.srt
    28-1. Rendering And Compositing In After Effects.mp4
    28-1. Rendering And Compositing In After Effects.srt
    28-2. Rendering And Compositing In After Effects.mp4
    28-2. Rendering And Compositing In After Effects.srt
    28-3. Rendering And Compositing In After Effects.mp4
    28-3. Rendering And Compositing In After Effects.srt
    28-4. Rendering And Compositing In After Effects.mp4
    28-4. Rendering And Compositing In After Effects.srt
    29. In Conclusion.mp4
    29. In Conclusion.srt

    百度网盘分享地址: 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Nqd4ZR3OOJ_V-edRT9C50g?pwd=2vga 提取码: 2vga